On 05 February 2016, Ministerial Regulation Governing Property Values BE 2559 was issued, prescribing the valuations of inherited property for the purposes of Thailand's Inheritance Tax Act.
The valuations of property for the purposes of Inheritance Tax are as follows:
For inherited immovable property in Thailand
The appraised value of the Thailand Land Department
For inherited immovable property in a foreign country
The appraised value for registering rights and juristic acts under the law of the foreign country
If a foreign country does not have or use appraised values the value of an agency or organization accredited or approved as a real estate appraiser
For inherited shares and securities listed on Thailand's Stock Exchange
The Thailand Stock Exchange trading price
For inherited shares and securities listed on a foreign Stock Exchange
The foreign Stock Exchange's trading price
For inherited shares not listed on a Stock Exchange
The value of the shares as per the audited financial statements of the company for the fiscal year prior to receiving the shares
For inherited securities not listed on a Stock Exchange
In the case the first offering price is lower than the redemption price the first offering price
In the case the first offering price is not lower than the redemption price the redemption price
For inherited cars and motorcycles in Thailand
The appraised value of the Transport Department
If no such appraised value the value of a person or entity that is a member of a professional body in Thailand for the valuing of such property
For inherited cars and motorcycles in a foreign country
The value of a person or entity that's a member of a professional body in the foreign country for the valuing of such property
For inherited ships and aircraft
The value of a person or entity that's a member of a professional body for the valuing of such property
For inherited deposits with banks, financial institutions or others
The total of the deposit and accrued interest or other benefit receivable
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